My Aunt has told me so much about Reece's Rainbow...but until yesterday I hadn't really had a chance to take my own peek and actually spend the time I would have liked to.
Let me tell you, my heart broke in so many pieces and all I could do was feel the crocodile tears well up as I saw picture after picture of beautiful children - and having the knowledge of what happens to those innocent little souls.
The cruelty of mortals knows no bounds.....
Faith and Chance, Aunt explained to me how Christmas Warriors aid the children thru fundraising and the hope that someone soon might commit to bringing them home!
Yesterday, I chose 3 little girls one of which I had hoped to be a champion for, alas their medical records hadn't come back yet so... off to the boys I went to choose again... and oh my GOSH!!! THEY ARE SO CUTE(So are the girls btw)!!! ALL OF THEM!! I want to take and hold and keep every child for my own (you will too I betcha!) - how do you decide to champion a child when you wish you could champion them all?
Again I picked three, and Miss Laurie came back and told me... "Congratulations!" I am officially Ollie's Christmas Warrior!!!
I can't believe it, I'm so excited!! (and by the way...did you know single mom's can adopt too??? WOW!!!!)